Former Mayor Rakosky Endorses Wiesner

"I unequivocally urge you to vote for Paul Wiesner for City Council District One.  I believe his service on the Planning & Zoning Commission creates a rock solid foundation for Council Member status.  Paul's exceptional work on P & Z portends a remarkable tenure as a Council Member.” exclaimed Ron Rakowsky. Mr. Rakowsky served at Mayor of Greenwood Village from 2011 to 2019.

“I remember the first time I met Mr. Rakowsky in his office when I was being interviewed for the Board of Appeals. We discussed my history as a the President of the Homeowners Association for Green Oaks and as a Cub Scout leader. He thanked me for my community service. A few days later, I became a Commission on the Board of Appeals followed by my service on the Planning and Zoning Commission.” said Wiesner. “Now here I am running for City Council and Ron is endorsing me and providing me encouragement. We sat down in his home for over an hour discussing the history of Greenwood Village and the current issues.” - Paul Wiesner


Candidate Forum


Commissioner Sharpe Endorses Wiesner